
Olympia WA

Dĺžka piesne: 03:30
Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

G Hangin' out with Lars down on C 6th street
He knew that I was in G trouble
I was feeling much like the D devil
There was something burning deep inside of G me
Ran into three Puerto C Ricans
These girls took us to the G funhouse
Where we D played a lonely G pinball machine DDDDDDD
C Hangin' on the D corner of G 52nd and C Broadway
C Cars passin D by but G none of them seem to go C my way
C New York D City, well I G wish I was on the C highway
C(pm) G(pm) D(pm)
Baa - ack to Olympia...
VERSE (palm-muted):
G I'm having a hard time unders C tanding
It gets all too de G manding
She's all gone and I'm st D randed
Something burning deep inside of G me
All I know it's 4 o' C clock and
She ain't never showed G up and
I D watched a thousand people G go home from work DDDDDDD Yeah!
(CHORUS) (Hangin' on the corner...)
^ = bend up

VERSE (palm-muted):
G How many times will it C take me
Before I go c G razy
Before I lose D everything
Something burning deep inside of G me
Ran into three Puerto C Ricans
Those girls took us to the G fun house
D I don't want to be a G lone again DDDDDDD
(CHORUS) (Hangin' on the corner...)
(INTRO) (x2)

|Corrections/additional transcriptions are welcome. |
|Send them to: 'punk.tabs@telia.com' |

|Transcribed by 'Sean' |
|Solo tab by 'Steve' |
|Corrections by Andreas Karlsson |

|The Complete Rancid Guitar Tab Compilation |
|(http://hem1.passagen.se/ak5/rancid/) |

Last revised: January 31, 1999.

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