When no one will listen and time won磘 wait
When you see yourself and see the one that you hate
When the night lasts forever and times stands still
When you see yourself and want to kill
When the world doesn磘 fit the head on your shoulders
When you punch the walls and feel the world磗 fist
The big ideas you have leave you feeling so small
I can see it in your eyes you can磘 deal with it all
What do you do when you want to get over
What do you do when you want to get thru
What do you do when you just can磘 take it
What do you do when you just can磘 fake it anymore
Feel the pressure
Feel it squeeze
The eyes in your head
The heart in your chest
Where磗 the answer
Where磗 the release
What do you do
When the lies that they told and the price that you paid
Force you to see the mistake that you made
When they shake your hand and stab your back
When frustration paints your four walls black
When they pick you up and let you fall
When you find their something is nothing at all
When ends miss ends and the endlessness sends you
Down to the bottome of the drain in pain
When you磖e pushed to the edge and can磘 maintain
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Please Click Here to Print What Do You Do Lyrics
rm_sid = "SNGYros";
rm_artist = "Rollins Band";
rm_song = "What Do You Do";
rm_icon_left = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone.gif";
rm_icon_right = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone2.gif";
document.write(' Send ' + (rm_song != '' && rm_artist != '' ? '"' + rm_song + '" Ringtone' : (rm_artist != '' ? rm_artist + ' Ringtones' : 'Ringtones')) + ' to your Cell ');
The following area is only for review, if you want to submit the lyrics or the corrections of the lyrics, please click the link at the end of What Do You Do Lyrics.
Your Name: (Important: Your name will be published if you input it) Review for What Do You Do Lyrics ------ Performed by Rollins Band Please enter a title for your review: ------ 09/14/2012 Type your review in the space below:
Rollins Band BiographyRollins Band AlbumsRollins Band Lyrics
When you see yourself and see the one that you hate
When the night lasts forever and times stands still
When you see yourself and want to kill
When the world doesn磘 fit the head on your shoulders
When you punch the walls and feel the world磗 fist
The big ideas you have leave you feeling so small
I can see it in your eyes you can磘 deal with it all
What do you do when you want to get over
What do you do when you want to get thru
What do you do when you just can磘 take it
What do you do when you just can磘 fake it anymore
Feel the pressure
Feel it squeeze
The eyes in your head
The heart in your chest
Where磗 the answer
Where磗 the release
What do you do
When the lies that they told and the price that you paid
Force you to see the mistake that you made
When they shake your hand and stab your back
When frustration paints your four walls black
When they pick you up and let you fall
When you find their something is nothing at all
When ends miss ends and the endlessness sends you
Down to the bottome of the drain in pain
When you磖e pushed to the edge and can磘 maintain
Please Click here to submit the Corrections of What Do You Do Lyrics
Please Click Here to Print What Do You Do Lyrics
rm_sid = "SNGYros";
rm_artist = "Rollins Band";
rm_song = "What Do You Do";
rm_icon_left = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone.gif";
rm_icon_right = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone2.gif";
document.write(' Send ' + (rm_song != '' && rm_artist != '' ? '"' + rm_song + '" Ringtone' : (rm_artist != '' ? rm_artist + ' Ringtones' : 'Ringtones')) + ' to your Cell ');
The following area is only for review, if you want to submit the lyrics or the corrections of the lyrics, please click the link at the end of What Do You Do Lyrics.
Your Name: (Important: Your name will be published if you input it) Review for What Do You Do Lyrics ------ Performed by Rollins Band Please enter a title for your review: ------ 09/14/2012 Type your review in the space below:
Rollins Band BiographyRollins Band AlbumsRollins Band Lyrics