
Witch Hunt

Dĺžka piesne: 04:44
The night is black
Without a moon.
The air is thick and still.
The vigilantes gather on
The lonely torchlit hill.

Features distorted in the flickering light,
The faces are twisted and grotesque.
Silent and stern in the sweltering night,
The mob moves like demons possesed.
Quiet in conscience, calm in their right,
Confident their ways are best.

The righteous rise
With burning eyes
Of hatred and ill-will.
Madmen fed on fear and lies
To beat and burn and kill.

They say there are strangers who threaten us,
Our immigrants and infidels.
They say there is strangeness too dangerous
In our theaters and bookstore shelves.
Those who know what's best for us
Must rise and save us from ourselves.

Quick to judge,
Quick to anger,
Slow to understand
Ignorance and prejudice
And fear walk hand in hand...
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Kick Ass Song | Reviewer: Anonymous | 5/3/11

This has to be one of my favorite songs. It had to be my favorite performance live, those keyboards sounded MASSIVE. I don't feel that Peart meant the lyrics to single out any groups, they just brought up the point that there are people who make mistakes before they even give a thought to something.

Mike is Right Zak isn't there yet | Reviewer: MikeM | 9/10/10

Zak you can see what we see, it just takes you longer. GW is not a hoax, but it has been hyped a lot - in part because of the ignorant and big oil's propaganda put out there to protect it's profits. What is wrong with taking care of the planet?

However, this is about the mob mentality created by fear and ignorance (by the noisy minority) that drives normal people to become sheep and go along with the crowd. This continues to repeat itself in one form or another, again and again and again. It is sad.

i think | Reviewer: justin keneston | 11/19/09

rush have a way of writing songs that may have more than on meaning depending on the listener i think it could have to do with rock and roll there was a period in time where kids were called evil for listening to rock music and protests were held and albums were burned trials were held to blame suicide murder and crime on subliminal messages on many artists like ozzy osbourne i think rush was trying to say people are quick to judge the music that they themselves dont understand

RIGHT wing? | Reviewer: Anonymous | 10/16/08

No disrespect, but please look up "mob" and "mentalty" in your dictionary. I would also challenge you: If your home were threatened by people who had a) already hurt your children and b) threatened to do it again, would you not try to find the aggressors to protect them? Or would you wait until the angry mob was at the door? If this has made you angry, that is OK. If you won't even consider the possibility of it being correct, I would have to ask: Who is the angry mob?

Let's not forget who also wrote "A Farewell to Kings"

global warming? | Reviewer: Mike | 10/8/08

this song is about the Salem trials? Really?

I thought Salem is the analogy. More about mob mentality.

Sure does fit today's right wing in the US. However, I don't see the connection to global warming alarmist (except maybe Gore). I really have no idea how you can relate the two.

What are the global warming advocates trying to get you to do? Be a better steward of the land? Is it really a bad thing that we take care of the planet? I think you anti-global warming science deniers are hijacking this song. That is rather trivial compared to the way man treats fellow man. You guys are the ones burning the books.

I think Mark is spot on (except for the conspiracy theory). We marched into Iraq as an angry mob, blinded by manipulation, fear, and ignorance. (I never saw the connection)

Further Elaboration | Reviewer: Jon | 9/25/08

Al is dead on here, this is part 3 of the "Fear" trilogy in which Peart illustrates how fear can inspire a mob mentality and drive people to do crazy things over baseless accusations. The song, literally is about the Salem Witch Trials, but it can also be applied to the whole McCarthy movement in the 50s. Also, interesting insight Zack, the global warming movement may be our modern day witch hunt.

Succinct indictment on censorship | Reviewer: Bob | 9/12/08

I think Peart's lyrics are poignant and to the point. The song to me is an indictment on censorship, which is demonstrated, in part, by the American Library Association's annual Banned Books Week. Great lyrics, Neil, and thank you.

Witch Hunt | Reviewer: Zak | 8/15/08

Peart at his lyrical best. Great song when I bought it in 1981 and still just as good nearly 30 years later.
Oh, and Mark, get you head out of your arse. Those lyrics are more appropriate for todays fearmongerers - the global warming alarmists.

An Answer | Reviewer: Al | 7/15/08

Dave, this song is the end of a larger multi-part song entitled "Fear" that took part over several albums along with "The Enemy Within" and "The Weapon". Also, Mark, dont twist Rush lyrics to your own views. This song has nothing to to do with modern day US politics or 9/11 (which by the way was not an inside job)

Should be called Terrorist Hunt | Reviewer: Mark | 7/8/08

Terrorist are the new witches of the 21st century. Let's get the dark skinned guys that live in caves. Kill them before they kill us. Never mind the fact that 9/11 was an inside job so the neocons could launch their wars of aggression overseas and crack down on civil liberties at home.

Quick to judge,
Quick to anger,
Slow to understand
Ignorance and prejudice
And fear walk hand in hand...

How prophetic!

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