Thin Lizzy

Dont Believe A Word

no guarantee) where Gary sings duet with Phil Lynott.
The slower version can also be found on "LiveLife". The chords are the same,
more info below...
*Intro 8 bars:
Guitar 1:

Guitar 2:

Guitar 1 plays 4 bars solo, then guitar 2 kicks in and they play three
together. The last intro bar looks like this:
Guitar 1: Guitar 2:

Guitar tacet, drums by the one and only Brian Downey! (one bar or
*Verse 1:
Tacet Am
Don't believe me if I tell you
Not a word of this is true
Don't believe me if I tell you.. 'Specially if I tell you
I'm in love with you
The guitar playing in the verses are power/barre chords (Ex: Am G F
Where a chord is played for a "long" time, play this figure instead of
the chord:
Over Dm: Over Am: Over Em

to Dm

Both guitars play bass tones, then Git1 "parenthesised" notes, Git2 the
*Verse 2:
Don't believe me if I tell you
That I wrote this song for you
That's just not for some other silly pretty girl (alt: "pretty silly",live
I'm singing to version)
*Bridge (or is this the chorus.. never mind):
Don't believe a word, the words are so easily spoken
And your heart is just like that promise.. made to be broken
Same chord progression as the verses, play it twice.
My suggestion: A pentatonic, harmonic minor or "blues scale".
Scott Gorham (I guess its him) plays with wah-wah and Les Paul guitar.
*Bridge again
Don't believe a word, 'cause word's can tell (them) lies
But them lies ain't no comfort, when there's tears in your eyes.
*Verse 3:
Repeat first verse..
*Outro (slight, barely audible wah fills..)
Don't believe a word
No don't believe a word
Don't believe it, don't believe it
Not a single word
Hey don't!!
Intro riff 7 bars, 8th (last) bar:

The "slow" version(s):
Am (Am7 sounds nice during the intro)

let ring
(The bass plays the figure on the E and A strings)
On the LiveLife, one guitar plays Am7 arpeggios (one string at a time),
and the figure is:

let ring
Solos sounds best in harmonic minor, to create a "mood".
The riffs are gone, of course, just play open chords..

Chords: Cut this out if you know them..
Am x02210 or Am barre 577555, Am7 x02013
Dm xx0231 or barre 8 10 10 8 8 8
Em 022000
G barre 355433 or open 320003 alt 320033
F barre 133211 or "open" skip the E,A strings

Credit for lyrics and chords: A piano Lizzy book
(I hate when pianists transcribe music made for guitar,
especially "easy play" type books!)
Any comments, corrections welcome! Any Lizzy stuff more welcome!!
Kristoffer Rydquist
"He took everything personally, including our royalties!"
David St.Hubbins, Spinal Tap about Ian Faith, their ex-manager
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