Nevadatommy dorseycomposers are walter donaldson and mort greenewe lived a dream by a cool mountain stream in nevadamillions of stars were exclusively ours that night.
you were a part of my heart in the heart of nevadatwo lips devine were exclusively mine that night.
there on a hilltop with nothing but heaven around uswe lost ourselves in a heavenly moonbeam till sunrise found us.
we fell in love oh so madly in love in nevadawe lived a dream by a cool mountain stream that night.
from: "clint gorman"
you were a part of my heart in the heart of nevadatwo lips devine were exclusively mine that night.
there on a hilltop with nothing but heaven around uswe lost ourselves in a heavenly moonbeam till sunrise found us.
we fell in love oh so madly in love in nevadawe lived a dream by a cool mountain stream that night.
from: "clint gorman"