L F iving on free food tickets
Water in the milk from the hole in the roof
Where the r D# ain came through
What can you Bb do? hmm h C/G mm
Verse 2:
T F ears from little sister
Crying 'cause she doesn't have a dress
Without a patch for the p D# arty to go
Oh but you kn Bb ow,she'll get C/G by
C/G She is l F iving in the love of the c Bb ommon peop F le
Smiles from the heart of a f Bb amily C/G man
D F addy's gonna buy her a dr Bb eam to cl F ing to
Mamma's gonna love her just as much as she C/G can,as she c F an
Verse 3: (a tone higher)
It's a g G ood thing you don't have bus fare
It would fall through the hole in your pocket
And you'd lose it in the sn F ow on the ground
A walkin' to t C/G own to find a j D ob
Verse 4:
Tr G ying to keep your hands warm
But the hole in your shoe let the snow come through
And the ch F ills to the bone
Oh,you better go h C/G ome where it's w D arm
Chorus bis:
D Where you can l G ive in the love of the C/G common peo G ple
Smiles from the heart of a f C/G amily m D an
D G addy's gonna buy you a d C/G ream to cl G ing to
Mamma's gonna love her just as much as she c D an,as she c G an
Verse 5: (a tone higher)
L A iving on dreams ain't easy
But the closer the knit,the tighter the fit
And the ch G ills stay away
You take them in str D ide,family pr E ide
Verse 6:
You know that fa A ith is your foundation
And with whole lotta love and a warm conversation
And pl G enty of prayer
Making you str D ong,where you bel E ong
Chorus ter:
E Where you can l A ive in the love of the c D ommon peo A ple
Be the pride in the heart of a f D amily m E an
D A addy's gonna buy you a dr D eam to cl A ing to
Mamma's gonna love her just as much as she c E an,as she c A an
Thanks to David M. Potter (dmp12@cornell.edu) for the lyrics.
Perret Charles-Amir : perret@diva.univ-mlv.fr
Waylon Jennings
Love of the Common People
Dĺžka piesne: 02:54