A5 D5 A5
You, you think you're such a badass
D5 A5__________________
You think you're such a rough neck
Well F#m I saw y E ou outs D ide eating t F#m ruffles with you're m E oms on the A patio
A Well, I D think it's really s A ad though
And t D ell you're girl to quit A buggin' me
Cause F#m I saw h E er out D side suckin' d F#m ick in the E bathroom
Of the A bus of the F#m Iron Maiden c A over band
When your A pencil neck brea D ks,when your A bird chest caves D in, I'm E gonna win
When your A pencil neck brea D ks,when your A bird chest caves D in, I'm E gonna win
Verse 2
A Me, I'm D just another g A ringo, a D bitter jale A peno
But F#m I get m E ore montequ D illa in a w F#m eek than your b E itch ass ge A ts in a lifetime
You're D steppin' on a A land mine
Your g D onna shoot y A our eye out
F#m I'm thinkin' w E hat in the Sam D Ham Hill is F#m goin' on with your A momma in the
F#m clogs and the E skirt, Wouldn't D fuck her for my F#m country with a A flag on her
F#m face and a A stolen dick
When your A pencil neck brea D ks,when your A bird chest caves D in, I'm E gonna win
When your A pencil neck brea D ks,when your A bird chest caves D in, I'm F#m gonna win
D F#m A D F#m A D F#m A B D
Verse 3
A5 You, you t D5 hink you're still a A5 bad ass
You D5 think you're still a r A5 ough neck
Well l F#m et's take E this out D side