Chorus 1
G G7 C Home__ is where you're happy__ and
I'm__ G happy here with you__ G7 C or any place on
G earth__ that you may D7 be._ C Home__ is where
you're happy__ just_ G any town will do G7 and C I'll
feel at home as D long_ as your_ with G me.
D7 This room__ could not hold me__ for one
short_ G moment. If you D7 weren't here_ with me_
I'd_ soon be G gone.___ G7 That C chair_ is just a
chair_ when your_ not G in it. It takes A7 more__
than rooms_ and chairs_ to make a D home._ D7
Chorus 2
C Home__ is where you're happy__ and I'm__ G happy here with you__ G7 C or any place on G earth__ that you may D7 be._ C Home__ is where you're happy__ just_ G any house will do G7 and C I'll feel at home as D long_ as your_ with G me.
D7 Time_ some day may cause_ this house_ to
G crumble, but we'll D7 move_ into another_ love and G all.__ G7 And if C times__ some day should_ make_ your foot steps G stumble__ A7 I'll_ be there_
to catch you should you D fall.__ D7
Repeat Chorus 2