At Half-Mast


Mother, Father, look what you've created.
Do you believe it?
Can it be?
What once used to be your pride and joy is now just a messed up kid who many have often wished was never born.
I humble myself now before you and the world.
Hoping for nothing more than forgiveness for now and before.
Throughout my years so far I have realized only one thing.
I've lived my life and finally see that I am absolutely nothing.
I'm so tired of covering it up.
Pity me not, I only speak the truth.
Looking at some others I wish that I could be half of that which they really are.
So full of admiration, I'm compelled to make a new start.
Friends are not all I have and I don't struggle financially and it's hard to find the little bit of pride that hides inside of me.
Ignorance and consequence are the only things that make sense and it's strange to think that wasted time is the only time I've ever spent.
I'm still searching for my own peace of mind.
Lead the way and I'll try to follow, as hard as it may be.
Promise me that we'll meet in heaven if that's the place for me.