Avril Lavigne


Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

E5 , G5 , A5 , G5 , A5 , G5 , A5 , G5 , A5 , E5
E5 Turn on, G5 I see red E5
A E5 drenaline crash and crac B5 k my head
B5 Nitro junkie, pain A5 t me dead
And I see red E5

One E5 hundred plus through b G5 lack and white E5
E5 War horse B5 , warhead
B5 Fuck 'em, man, white-k A5 nuckle tight
Through black and white E5

E5 On I burn A5
G5 Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard A5 , loose and E5 clean

And on I burn A5
Churning my dire C ction
Quench my th D irst with gasoline E5
So gimme E5 fuel, gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire E5 , A5 , E5

E5 E5 G5 G5
E5 E5 G5 G5
E5 G5 G5 A5
G5 G5 A5 A5
G5 , A5
E5 Turn on be G5 yond the b E5 one
S E5 wallow future, spit out B5 home
B5 Burn your face upo A5 n the chrome

T E5 ake the corner, join t G5 , E5 he crash,
E5 Headlights B5 , head on, headlines
B5 Another junkie lives t A5 oo fast
Lives way too fast E5

E5 On I burn A5
Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard A5 , loose and E5 clean

And on I burn A5
Churning my dire C ction
Quench my th D irst with gasoline E5
So gimme E5 fuel, gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire E5 , A5 , E5 , ( x6 )}

White-knuckle tight E5

gimme f E5 uel, gimme fire
My desire E5 , A5 , E5

E5 On I burn A5
Fuel is pumping engines
Burning hard A5 , loose and E5 clean

And on I burn A5
Churning my dire C ction
Quench my th D irst with gasoline E5

gimme f E5 uel, gimme fire
My desire E5 , A5 , E5

E5 On I burn A5

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