The Beatles

Let It Be

Let it be = Nechaj to tak

When I find myself in times of trouble = Keď sa pristihnem v ťažkých časoch
Mother Mary comes to me = Matka Mária prichádza ku mne
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be = Hovoriac slová múdrosti, nechaj to tak
And in my hour of darkness = A v mojej hodine temnoty
She is standing right in front of me = Ona stojí priamo predo mnou
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be = Hovoriac slová múdrosti, nechaj to tak
Let it be, let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Let it be, let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be = Šepkaj slová múdrosti, nechaj to tak

And when the broken hearted people = A keď ľudia so zlomenými srdciami
Living in the world agree = žijú vo svete súhlasu
There will be an answer, let it be = Bude tam odpoveď, nechaj to tak
For though they may be parted = Aj keď by mohli byť rozdelení
There is still a chance that they will see = Stále je tam šanca že uvidia
There will be an answer, let it be = Bude tam odpoveď, nechaj to tak
Let it be, let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Let it be, let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Yeah there will be an answer, let it be = Yeah bude tam odpoveď, nechaj to tak
Let it be, let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Let it be, let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be = Šepkaj slová múdrosti, nechaj to tak

Let it be, let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Ah let it be, yeah let it be = Ah nechaj to tak, yeah nechaj to tak
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be = Šepkaj slová múdrosti, nechaj to tak
And when the night is cloudy = A keď je noc oblačná
There is still a light that shines on me = Stále je tu svetlo ktoré na mňa svieti
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be = Svieť do zajtra, nechaj to tak
I wake up to the sound of music, = Zobudil som sa na zvuk hudby,
Mother Mary comes to me = Matka Mária prichádza ku mne
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be = Hovoriac slová múdrosti, nechaj to tak
Yeah let it be, let it be = Yeah nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Let it be, yeah let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Oh there will be an answer, let it be = Oh bude tam odpoveď, nechaj to tak
Let it be, let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Let it be, yeah let it be = Nechaj to tak, yeah nechaj to tak
Oh there will be an answer, let it be = Oh bude tam odpoveď, nechaj to tak
Let it be, let it be = Nechaj to tak, nechaj to tak
Ah let it be, yeah let it be = Ah nechaj to tak, yeah nechaj to tak
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be = Šepkaj slová múdrosti, nechaj to tak
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