Bee Gees


Dĺžka piesne: 02:25
Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

G Feel I'm goin' Am back to C Massa G chusetts, Am C
G Something's telling Am me I C must go G home.
And the lights all went out in Massa C chusetts
The day I G left her D7 standing on her G own. Am D7
G Tried to hitch a Am ride to C San Fran G cisco, Am C
G Gotta do the Am things I C wanna G do.
And the lights all went out in Massa C chusetts
They brought me G back to D7 see my way with G you. Am D7
G Talk about the Am life in C Massa G chusetts, Am C
G Speak about the Am people C I have G seen,
And the lights all went out in Massa C chusetts
And Massa G chusetts is D7 one place I have G seen. Am D7
I will re Am member C Massa G chusetts...

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