
Touchdown Boy

Touchdown Boy
Pristaň chlapče

There's this one guy
Je tu jeden chalan
There's no one like him in all the world
Na celom svete nie je nikto kto ho má rád
'Cause you can always see
lebo tu stále môžeš vidieť
Those girls down on there knees
Tie dievčatá na kolenách
In those dark sweaty rooms
V tých tmavých prepotených izbách
Planning out his thoughts
Plánovaním jeho myšlienok
He's waiting for just the right
Čaká len na moc

One by one as they
Jedna za druhou ako
Walk right through the door, they
Chodia cez dvere
Keep on coming back I
Chodia stále späť
Guess they just want more
Tuším že len chcú viac
He has fun fun fun and you
On má vtip vtip vtip a ty
Might call him a whore, but
ho možno budeš volať kokot, ale
Just look where he's at 'cause
pozri sa len kde je lebo
He is the one that scores
on je ten čo skóruje

I saw my friend there
Videla som tam mojho kamarata
Out on the field today
dnes na ihrisku
I asked him where he's going, he said
Spýtala som sa ho kde ide, povedal

"All the way," now
“Celou cestou“, teraz
One by one as they
Jedna za druhou ako
Walk right through the door, they
chodia cez dvere,
Keep on coming back I
Chodia stále späť
Guess they just want more
Tuším že len chcú viac
He has fun fun fun and you
Má vtip vtip vtip a ty
Might call him a whore, but
ho možno budeš volať kokot
Just look where he's at 'cause
pozri sa len kde je lebo
He is the one that scores
on je ten čo skóruje
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