call me Steve



Laco Rychtarik sa hudbe venuje 13 rokov.Zacinal ako gitarista a spevak, neskor sa vsak zacal venovat bicim nastrojom. Zaciatky jeho kariery si budoval na pop-rockovej scene. “Vdaka timu ludi ktorym veri a s ktorymi spolupracuje sa snazi produkovat hudbu, ktora ma oslovit masy ludi bez vekoveho rozdielu.“ Call me Steve je originalnou samostatnou zmesou electro a rockovej hudby silno ovplyvnenou americkou hudobnou scenou. O texty sa prevazne stara Lacova dvorna textarka Minica. Prvý singel s názvom „I want“ vznikol v juli roku 2012 v ktorom si bicie a spevy nahral sam Laco. 1.augusta sa podarilo call me Steve vyhrat presovsku sutaz kapiel Pegas 2012 kde bolo vyhrou nahravanie singla. Laco sa rozhodol nahrat ako vyhernu piesen ALIVE. Pri produkcii piesne si splnil sen tym, ze oslovil americkeho raperra C.KhiD a ten mu po vypocuti demo verzie „Alive“ povedal s nadsenim ano . ********** Laco Rychtarik has been devoted to music since his 13. He started as a guitarist and singer, later he decided to become a drummer. Beginnings of his career were on the pop-rock scene. Thanks to the team of people he trusts and cooperates with, Laco is producing the music which is dedicated to masses without the age difference. Call me Steve is the original mixture of electro and rock music strongly influenced by American music scene. The most of the lyrics has been written by Minica and the first single “I want” was released in July 2012. On August 1 CMS succeeded to win a band competition in Presov - “Pegas 2012”. The first price was a free recording. Laco decided to finish his second title called “Alive”. With this song, his big dream came true as well. He accosted American rapper from New York C.KHiD for the cooperation on final version of "Alive". C.KHiD was excited after hearing a demo version and agreed about recording.

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