Dĺžka piesne: 03:58
Any little spark will make a fire
Any little fib will make a liar
I'll tell you more if you enquire
About the things that I desire
'Cause when you open wide
The inevitable steps inside
Take it in stride
'Cause nobody can do
Like you did
What you did
Like you did
Been so long, I can't see straight
No, no fun to anticipate
Give it on up, don't make me wait
Wait too long, 't'will be too late
Listen real close, 'cause I can't lie
It's difficult to satisfy
These feelings I just can't deny
With time they'll just intensify
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Please Click Here to Print What You Did Lyrics
rm_sid = "SNGYros";
rm_artist = "Chaka Khan";
rm_song = "What You Did";
rm_icon_left = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone.gif";
rm_icon_right = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone2.gif";
document.write(' Send ' + (rm_song != '' && rm_artist != '' ? '"' + rm_song + '" Ringtone' : (rm_artist != '' ? rm_artist + ' Ringtones' : 'Ringtones')) + ' to your Cell ');
The following area is only for review, if you want to submit the lyrics or the corrections of the lyrics, please click the link at the end of What You Did Lyrics.
Your Name: (Important: Your name will be published if you input it) Review for What You Did Lyrics ------ Performed by Chaka Khan Please enter a title for your review: ------ 09/14/2012 Type your review in the space below:
Chaka Khan BiographyChaka Khan AlbumsChaka Khan Lyrics
Any little fib will make a liar
I'll tell you more if you enquire
About the things that I desire
'Cause when you open wide
The inevitable steps inside
Take it in stride
'Cause nobody can do
Like you did
What you did
Like you did
Been so long, I can't see straight
No, no fun to anticipate
Give it on up, don't make me wait
Wait too long, 't'will be too late
Listen real close, 'cause I can't lie
It's difficult to satisfy
These feelings I just can't deny
With time they'll just intensify
Please Click here to submit the Corrections of What You Did Lyrics
Please Click Here to Print What You Did Lyrics
rm_sid = "SNGYros";
rm_artist = "Chaka Khan";
rm_song = "What You Did";
rm_icon_left = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone.gif";
rm_icon_right = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone2.gif";
document.write(' Send ' + (rm_song != '' && rm_artist != '' ? '"' + rm_song + '" Ringtone' : (rm_artist != '' ? rm_artist + ' Ringtones' : 'Ringtones')) + ' to your Cell ');
The following area is only for review, if you want to submit the lyrics or the corrections of the lyrics, please click the link at the end of What You Did Lyrics.
Your Name: (Important: Your name will be published if you input it) Review for What You Did Lyrics ------ Performed by Chaka Khan Please enter a title for your review: ------ 09/14/2012 Type your review in the space below:
Chaka Khan BiographyChaka Khan AlbumsChaka Khan Lyrics