Chris LeDoux

Bull Rider

Dĺžka piesne: 02:39
Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

D I was sittin' in bar room one G rainy afternoon
Tellin' A stories about rodeo and D listening to a tune
The rodeo starts tomorrow in this G one horse town
So A Joe (or name of your choice) took our names and D put our entries down.
I went to the office the G next day to see
What A bareback horse I had and to p D ay my fees.
I looked on the list but my G name wasn't found
I thought A Joe might of forgot to D put me down.
Well, I looked on the board and G I happened to find,
My A name was on another list, I D was in the Bull Riding.
My knees began to knock and my G face began to sweat,
Then I A heaved and gagged on the D rodeo office steps.
Well, I may be a fool but a G coward I'm not,
So I A borrowed a bull rope with a D bell in the knot.
I walked in the arena with them G other bullridin' fools,
Walked A down the chutes, and D found my bull.
Then I put my rope in the G middle of his back,
Then D had some cowboy G pull up the slack,
Then I D wrapped the tail around my G hand and back,
And said " A Boys, open the gate just a D little bitty crack!".
Well, the bull hit the gate G with his head
And I could A see over his hump that his D eyes was red.
He bailed outta there with a big G snort and a beller'
And A somethin' inside me told D me I was yeller'
The dust and hair and G flies from off his hump,
Did A whisk to my nose as he D made another jump.
And the stink of it all was more G than I could stand,
So I A jerked my wrap, and D opened my hand.
Well, he jumped through air as he G made one more turn,
That A rope slid through my hand it D sure did burn.
He flang me down in a G great big heap,
And A right in the middle of me D he did leap.
D(strum once) G(strum once)
With his feet on my belly, standing in place,
A(strum once) D(strum once)
That dirty ole' bull, blew snot in my face.
Well, them D danged ole bulls you can G run 'em the chutes,
D Put your ropes on them G big gallutes,
But the D closest your gonna find me to their G stinkin' hair,
Is to A help some other fool get D flung in the air. A D

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