Elvis Presley

Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Dĺžka piesne: 02:59
(words & music by Joe South)
If I could be you, if you could be me
For just one hour, if we could find a way
To get inside each other's mind
If you could see you through my eyes
Instead your own ego I believe you'd be
I believe you'd be surprised to see
That you've been blind

Walk a mile in my shoes
just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes

Now if we spend the day
Throwin' stones at one another
'Cause I don't think, 'cause I don't think
Or wear my hair the same way you do
Well, I may be common people
But I'm your brother
And when you strike out
You're tryin' to hurt me
It's hurtin' you, Lord HAVE mercy

Walk a mile in my shoes
just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes

Now there are people on reservations
And out in the ghetto
And brother there, but, for the grace of God
Go you and I,
If I only had wings of a little angel
Don't you know, I'd fly
To the top of a mountain
And then I'd cry, cry, cry

Walk a mile in my shoes
just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes (3X)
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Walk a mile in every shoe | Reviewer: Henry | 2/17/10

Song by the Real King of rock and roll.. nowa day im sure there isn´t a person in the world who can not use this song as a part of living. There must be songs like this one today. on the army on the schools on the church. cause is a real nice message full of truth and honesty.

Henry Fallas. from Costa Rica. and a real fan of Elvis Presley

One of my favourite songs... | Reviewer: lor | 1/11/10

I always try to live by this..and so sad that so many people don't. It has always been my favourite saying. When I see people that are "different" I always like to walk a mile in THEIR shoes and be more understanding. I see the "young people" of today with their piercings and hair styles and I remember wearing my mini skirts and long straight hair in the 70's....this is THEIR generation and let them enjoy it!!!! When I see homeless people my heart goes out to them as we don't know the circumstances that put them where they are......I could go on an on....I am certainly NOT a do-gooder or a martyr...just wish we all lived by this

so much truth | Reviewer: Bill Westerman | 6/13/07

I heard this song for the first time again in about 30 years. There is so much truth and honesty in this song. It is unfortunate that there are not songs like this today instead of focusing on our satisfaction and accusing one another. If we could only try to understand one another a little bit better, we would have a much better world.

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