C The wind can blow cold, it G moans and it C cries
C When it carries the sound of a G thousand goodby C es
But if you listen tonight on that F high, lonely C plain
C You'll just hear my voice as it G calls out your C name
You'll just hear my voice as it G calls out your C name
C You've been on a road that just G don't seem to C end
C Where that broken old heart of yours w G on't ever m C end
You've crossed over bridges and F bridges they C burn
C So many rivers and G so much to C learn
So many bridges and G so much to l C earn
But the F moon is so full, the stars are so bright
And my C hand is steady, my touch is light
F Look in my eyes, hold on real tight
And I'll C waltz you my darling across Bb Texas ton C ight
I'll C waltz you my darling across Bb Texas to C night
C We both have known hard luck And G love that's gone C wrong
C When the ghosts take the shadows and The G night takes too C long
We folded our cards when the F hand wasn't s C trong
C But that wheel will keep spinning long G after we're C gone
C Yeah, that wheel will keep spinning long G after we're C gone
And the F moon is so full, the stars are so bright
And C my hand is steady, my touch is light
F Look in my eyes, hold on real tight
and I'll C Waltz you my darling across Bb Texas toni C ght
C I'll waltz you my darling across Bb Texas to C night
F Look in my eyes, hold on real tight
And I'll C waltz you my darling across Bb Texas ton C ight
C I'll waltz you my darling across Bb Texas ton C ight
From Emmylou Harris "Wrecking Ball"
Asylum Records
Sony Tunes/Poodlebone Music
Emmylou Harris
Waltz Across Texas Tonight
Dĺžka piesne: 04:46