G C G/F? Am Em F
C Am Em F
(Listen to song for timing/stroking. It's 4 beats per measure and each chord usually,
always, is played for a whole measure)
C|Am|Em|F X2 {play again 2x w/ 2nd guitar playing the "riff" simultaneously.
See "riff" above for when each chord (in( )) is played here.}
C Super automatic pilot
Am motor running down
Em circles in the parking
F lot.
C Self-sustaining system bit her
Am in the neck and quick and
Em kissed her and took all she
F got.
Did you C come here to dance?
Am What's in your
Em glass? Do you feel
F better?
Also the 2nd guitar plays some kind of scale in the chorus)
C Let it rain, Let it Am pour
Em Let it rain, Let it F pour
C Halle Em lujah, Am Halle G lujah
Am Let it rain, Let it G pour.
C Cruise-control distressed, her kind of
Am cursed and kind of blessed her,
Em engine running on the
F fumes.
C Vision blue and blurry, falling
Am angels in a flurry,
Em spinning through the empty
F room.
Am What's in your
Em glass? Do you feel
F better now?
C|Am|Em|F X2 {played 2x w/"riff" too,
C Let it rain, Let it Am pour
Em Let it rain, Let it F pour
C Halle Em lujah, Am Halle G lujah
Am Let it rain, Let it G pour
C Super automatic pilot
Am motor running down
Em circles in the parking
F lot.
C Self-sustaining system bit her
Am in the neck and quick and
Em kissed her and took all she
F got.
C Let it rain, Let it Em pour
Halle lujah
Am Let it rain, Let it G pour
C Let it rain, Let it Em pour
Halle lujah
Let it Am po-o-o G/F ur
C Halle Em lujah
Let it Am po-o-o G/F ur
C Halle Em lujah
Let it Am po-o-o G/F ur
C|Am|Em|G...? {some random chords at the end. yeah, i don't know.)
The End.
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note