
Pop song89

> Hello I saw you I know you I knew you
> I think I can remember your name...name
> Hello I'm sorry I lost myself
> I think I thought you were someone else
> Should we talk about the weather?
> Should we talk about the government?
{break: B / / / B / / / E / / / E7 / / /
the melody on the break isn't too hard to pick out. The notes
are real close to the chords - often in them. I think its weird
that Pete didn't play them on the acoustic version.}
> Hello my friend are you visible today?
> And no one ever knew that it could be so strange...strange
> Hello I'm sorry I lost myself
> I think I thought you were someone else
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 17:53:50 -0500 (EST)
From: Bill Johnson
well hey there people, this is William Johnson coming at you from Keene NH
saying that I've ben perusing the OLGA and would like to make my dent by
adding a few corrections and some new material.
Pop Song 89 you've got the chords right but are missing the main jangle.
So here it is.

rhythm guitar
verse: alternating A and D bar chords
chorus: going into open string E G D A (bar)
* = sometimes a slide