A5 B5 C5 D5 G5 D5/A E5 Em C5/G
Intro: 0:00- 0:16
Riff 1
*Riff 1 is played through out verse.
Verse: 0:17- 0:32
E "Don't go there" I C heard her say. D
E "You can't stomach what you're C going to see" G
E It's down there, by the C water's edge D
w E asted and bloated and wa C iting for s G omeone else
Fill 1: 0:33- 0:40
|harmonics| |harmonics|
Verse: 0:41- 0:56
E Funny how, these C things come about D
E when you're tied to the C teeth and mouth G
E No sound or fury, no s C hot of pain D
there was n E o real reason, C no gain G
CHORUS: 0:57- 1:12
E5 I can't go C5/G down to the D5/A water's edge
E5 I didn't do it.... C5/G .I saw who D5/A did
E5 Don't go down to the C5/G water's edge D5/A
E5 they did it once and they can C5/G do it aga G5 in
Riff 1- Play 1 Time: 1:13- 1:21
Verse: 1:22- 1:36
Riff 1 throughout
E It ain't no C secret to me D
E how she got there do C wn by the stre G am
E I'd seen her a minute C before D
the va E n pulled up and C opened the G door
Fill 1: 1:37- 1:45
|harmonics| |harmonics|
(took all my love)
Verse: 1:46- 2:01
E I can't say a sing C le word D
E about what I saw of C her G
E her killers....they C got their friends D
in famili E ar places, I C tell you man G
CHORUS: 1:22- 2:17
E5 I can't go C5/G down to the D5/A water's edge
E5 I didn't do it.... C5/G .I saw who D5/A did
E5 Don't go down to the C5/G water's edge D5/A
E5 they did it once and they can C5/G do it aga G5 in
Riff 1- play 1 time: 2:18- 2:26
Verse: 2:27- 2:41
Riff 1 throughout
E this ain't no C fucking game D
E and I'm feeling s C o ashamed G
E because I didn't do C anything D
E no I didn't do an C ything G
2:42- 3:06
to A5 stop, to B5 stop, to C5 stop, to s D5 top,
A5 this, B5 from, C5 happening D5
A5 I, B5 didn't do C5 a D5 nything! *STOP*
3:07- end
G5 Don't go D5/A down to the wa E5 ter's edge you C5/G said to me
G5 I didn't D5/A do it, but E5 I saw who C5/G did you see
G5 Don't go D5/A down to the wat E5 er's edge C5/G
G5 They did it D5/A once, they can E5 do it agai C5/G n
I G5 swear D5/A , I s E5 wear, C5/G I G5 swear D5/A , I s E5 wear, C5/G I didn't
G5 do, D5/A anything, E5 C5/G I should've
G5 D5/A E5(begin end solo) C5 E5 (hold until end)
done something
* End solo: *
(c)1998 Seven Mary Three Music, BMI. All rights reserved.
Administered by EMI Publishing. Lyrics reprinted by permission.