And if i'm wasting my Am time
Then nothing could be E better
Than hanging on the B line
And waiting for an hon D est word E forever
(Guitar solo)1
(Guitar Fill)1
After fill 1 you play E then go to Am. Jack White throws in a couple of G's while
the E.
2nd Verse
And if youre saying Am goodbye
please dont you think me E bitter
for recalling every B rhyme
from the book, the page
the D line, the word, the E letter
(Guitar solo)2
(Guitar Fill)2
Strum E chord again and thrown in the G's then go to Am.
3rd Verse
Well the windows turning Am blue
and waters ever E flowing
and i hope im not a B fool
for laughing at mys D elf
as you are E going
Very last thing to do is play the E and again throw in the G's.
h = hammer on
p = pull off
/ = slide up
\ = slide down
Well thats all you need to know. This song is really easy to play so if you cant figure
the tab you really should be able to figure it out on your own. Peace out!!!