Ella Fitzgerald

What Is There to Say

Dar - ling, par - don my con - fu - sion,
But are you an op - ti - cal il - lu - sion?
And if not, then what on earth are you do - ing to me?
If my speech is wil - ly nil - ly,
It's be - cause I can - not guild the lil - ly;
I should love to sing your prai - ses,
But phra - ses and words are sil - ly.
What is there to say? And what is there to do?
The dream I've been seeking has, prac-tic'-ly speak-ing,
Come true.
What is there to say? And how will I pull through?
I knew in a moment contentment and home meant just you.
You are so lov - a - ble, so liv - a - ble,
Your beau - ty is just un - for - give - a - ble;
You're made to mar - vel at, and words to that ef - fect.
What is there to say? And what is there to do?
My heart's in a dead - lock;
I'd e - ven face wed - lock with you.
I knew in a moment contentment and home meant just you, so
What is there to say? And what is there to do?
My heart's in a dead - lock; I'd e - ven face wed - lock with you.