Oingo Boingo


Say boys and girls don't you want to have fun
Why bother to walk when you'd rather run
Why bother with books when you've got a gun
Come fly with me right into the sun
In another world, in another time
I can picture you and me together
If I close my eyes tight and think real hard
I can float lighter than a feather
If I try even harder who knows what I might find
Why maybe a pearl of wisdom
I would trade these pearls for a parcel of flesh
In flesh we were all invented
Is it time to play? said the ratboy to the ratgirl
Can we fly today, can we look here for some fresh kill
In concentric circles we'll carve up the sky
Looking for a big surprise
Fly like a vulture, fly like a vulture....
In another world, in another time
I can picture us a happy family
With our happy kids all flying all around
And leaving far behind the rat-race
Is it time to play? said the tortoise to the rabbit
Can we fly today, are we creatures all of habit
In concentric circles we'll carve up the sky
Waiting for a big surprise
Fly like a vulture, fly like a vulture...
Say boys and girls don't you want to have fun
Why bother to crawl when you'd rather run
Why bother to walk when you'd rather fly
Come join the party way up in the sky
Is it time to play? said the ratboy to the ratgirl
Can we fly today, can we look here for some fresh kill
In concentric circles we'll carve up the sky
Looking for a big surprise
Fly like a vulture, fly like a vulture...

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