Ricky Skaggs

Wouldnt Change You I Could-crd

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

1. if I could_____ The way you are___ just suites me to
2. as they are._____ And come what may___ I'd nev - er change
G 1. a ÒTÓ._____ A prin - cess in a stor - y book,____
2. a thing.____ And if I were a pot - ter_________
D 1. a king up - on his throne;__ that's what we are_____
2. and you a piece of clay,____ the on - ly thing___
G 1. and you be - long to me.
2. I'd change would be your name.
C G I Would-n't Change You If I Could.___ I love you as___ you are.
C G D Your're all that I would wish for, if I wished up - on___ a star.____
G D An an - gl sent from Heav - en, you're ev -'ry - thing that's
Am good. your per - fect just___ the way you are___ I Would - n't
Change You If I Could.______