
Ben Wah Balls

No we ain't gonna take it unless it's from a doverman pincher
My si to nenecháme (nikto nám nerozkáže, čo máme robiť), iba ak by to bol doberman.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Blink
Dámy a páni, pre vaše potešenie, nech sa páči Blink.

Passively one day as the sun rose out of it's house
Jedného dňa slnko pasívne vstalo zo svojho domova

So did this little old guy as he whistled out of his mouth
a tak isto aj tento drobný starší muž, vypiskujúc si,

And happily and gay
veselo a čudne (gay občas znamená aj čudne/zvláštne),

Well I guessed exactly that, because he found a special girl
A presne som uhádol, že si našiel správne dievča

That put him in a special trance
a to ho dalo do správnej nálady.

He fell in love so quickly
Zaľúbil sa tak rýchlo

What the hell was he to expect
ale ako do pekla mohol čakať,

That the girl under his arm wasn't the same
že to dievča pod jeho ramenom (v objatí) nebude také isté

As any other girl
ako každé iné dievča

That he had thought that he once met
ktoré stretol aj predtým

I guess you could only blame fate
Asi z toho možno vinit ozaj len osud.

Things started getting weird as they started to kiss
Začalo to byť čudné, keď sa začali bozkávať,

She often felt his beard and remembered how her father she missed
často mu hladkala bradu a spomínala na otca ktorý jej chýbal

And then quietly one day
a potom tíško jedného dňa

He sang a song from deep within his heart
zaspieval si pesničku od srdca

Causing some ingestion
čo spôsobilo zlé trávenie

He finished with a great big fart and
a dokončil ju velikánskym prdom
She knew at that one moment
a v tom momente vedela,

That song was something she heard efore
že tá pesnička bola niečim čo počula už predtým,

So she asked him to do that again
tak ho poprosila, aby to zopakoval.

Then out the door they hurried
Potom sa ponáhľali von dveřmi

She was gonna find out for sure
a zistila naisto,

So she analyzed his rear end
keď si obzrela (zanalyzovala) jeho zadok

She said, "When I was a little girl my dad left my mom.
a povedala: keď som bola malé dievčatko, môj otec opustil moju matku,

He used to always fart and sing this special song.
a vždy zvykol prdieť a spievať túto zvláštnu pesničku.

Now I wasn't quite so sure until your pants did fall.
A nebola som si istá, až kým nespadli tvoje gate.

'Cause now I know that your my dad because you use ben wah balls."
Pretože teraz viem, že si môj otec, lebo používaš Ben Wah Balls.

Povedal som wah, wah, wah-wah-wah,
Wah, wah-wah-wah, wah...
Povedal som wah, wah, wah-wah-wah,
Wah, wah-wah-wah, wah...