
Coffee & TV

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

H Do You feel like a chainstore?
A practically E floored
G One of many F zeros
B Kicked Around C# bored

Your ears are full
but you´re empty
holding out your heart
to people who nevfer really
Care how you are

So give me C# Coffe and TV
H History A
I´ve C# seen so much
I´m E going blind
And i`m A braindead virtu H ally
`Cos C# sociability
It`s H hard enough for A me
C# Take me away
from this E big bad world
And A agree to marry D me
So we can start A over again

The rest of the verses:
Do you go to the country?
It isn`t very far
those people there will hurt you
`Cos of who you are
Your ears are full of the language
there`s wisdom there you`re sure
`Til the words start slurring
and you can`t find the door

D AAAAA A AAAA we can start over again
D AAAAA A AAAA we can start over again
D AAAAA A AAAA we can start over again
D AAAAA A AAAA we can start over again