D People talking about
A True love all around
But I've never G seen it
I must be too D young
D Learning to burn
And that is the game
The famous game G they call
Falling in D love
Don't D give, don't give any Bm hope
It was not supposed to be
I'm lear D ning to burn
And I was A happy
I have my G family
With a smile on their D face
Oh D hold on
'Cause all I A want
Is that smile G in my D child
Give D me, give me
All your Bm love
It was meant to A be
Bm Our love A is Bm strong
Bm Our love A is Bm strong
Guitar solo
D Waiting is hard
'Cause life ain't A easy,
Running is G easy
Staying is D hard
Oh D hold on,
'Cause all I A want
Is that smile G in my D child
Give D me, give me
All your Bm love
It was meant to A be
Bm Our love A is Bm strong yes it is
Bm Our love A is Bm strong our love is strong
G Our A love D is G strong
It is A strong
Yes it D is.