Van Halen

Mean Streets

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / (wham bar, feedback)
The song! Artificial harmomics, squeals produced by trailing the pick with
the edge of your thumb, are notated by !.

Section 4 is replaced the second time around with a pick slide down strings 6
& 5; the rhythm is provided by toggling the guitar pickup on and off. This
can be pretty tricky to do, as you have to come right back out of it into a
C on the 3rd fret to go into the verse.
The verse copies the intro, you can figure that out by listening to the

p p p p p

Eddie adds a lot of little harmonics, pick scrapes, etc. To give the song more
spontaneity. The best way to pick these up is liten to the tape, they tend
to defy notation ( Fender mediums do tend to make the best scraping sounds
Eddie's solo is very freeform. I'll notate a few of the more signature licks.
When you're trying to play a Van Halen solo, its usually best to nail those
and glue them together with licks of your own in the same mode. 2^---\ means
bend up two steps, hold, then release.