Ali Project


My wishes that don't come true
Are that kind of grain
Filling up the deep night

If it was raised
With the drops of the moon
In what kind of way would the sprout grow?
And what colour would its flower be?
Will it quietly bloom
Somewhere in this dream?

If I send my wish
To the person
Who isn't here anymore

What will be in every night
Is the silence of darkness
If I can encounter that smile
And gentle voice once again
Even I am willing
To throw everything away

My tears are harboured by the evening dew
Falling onto the grass
And under those leaves, my memories
Are quietly dancing

If I release my unrealizable sorrows
Into the sky
They will ride on the wings of the bats
And bask in the light of the daybreak
But will they disappear
At the end of tonight's dream?

My feelings are always
And eternally
Lingering in the depths of my heart