
Little Brother Watches Back

We're watching you now
We know your every move
There's just gotta be some kind of a conspiracy
For us to try and prove
We've got a video camera
Armed with an infrared lens
It's aimed right now at your front door
Making stars of you and your friends
The script is written with you in mind
Before you go for the part
The director's a sergeant
Who tells the crew when to start
We wander thru your neighborhood
Dressed in tacky hawaiian shirts
We try to look like fucking tourists
Our objective is to see you get fucking burnt
It really doesn't mater if you lead a life of crime
When you fuck with the biggest gang in town
We can guarantee you your time
The phone is bugged — of course —
Don't you know? — They all are
We've got a radio transmitter
Hidden in your car
Parked across the street
In a hollywood hydro van
Your house windows are vibrating
We're picking up what we'll call your master plan
We know we can annoy you make life difficult
But our job is quite simple —
To crush another cult
You people seem to have
An unacceptable way of life
All good shitizens have a job
Two kids and a nagging wife
Unless you people conform
And play this shitty game by our rules
Or were just gonna have to continue
To prove we're nothing more that fucking fools