Missy Elliott

Yeah Toast

all around the country coast to coast,
people always say what do you like most,
I don't wanna brag i don't wanna boast,
I always tell 'em I like toast.

yeah TOAST yeah TOAST

i get up in the mornin' bout six AM,
have a little jelly have a little jam,
take a piece of bread put it in the slot,
push down the lever and the wires gets hot,
i get toast.

yeah TOAST yeah TOAST

im sitting in the class room adding up the sums
think' bout toast thikin' yum yum yum
and when the bell rings you grab you're back pack
and make some toast for an afternoon snack
yeah TOAST yeah TOAST

now there's no secret to toasting perfection,
there's a dial on the side and you make your selection,
push to the dark or the light and then,
if it pops too soon press down again,
make toast.

yeah TOAST yeah TOAST

when the first caveman drove in from the dregs,
didn't know what would go with the bacon and the eggs,
must have been a genius got it in his head,
plug the toaster in the wall,
buy a bag of bread,
make toast.

yeah TOAST yeah TOAST

oui monsieur bonjour coquette,
uh huh croissante, et vous Yvette?
maurice chevalier effeil tower,
oui marie baggette bon soir.


in chicago or on the Bob and Tom show


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Yumm | Reviewer: sarah grouchy | 9/15/2007

hehe , this song is sickk
loveess itt
yeah TOASTTTT ! <3
this is like the randomist song ever ,, haha most have alot of time on your hands to dedicate a song to toast ! :)

?!?!? | Reviewer: Anonymous | 9/13/2007

I really don't have a clue who wrote this song. I've heard Weird Al, Missy Elliot, and now Heywood Banks... I don't really care though, because this song is AWESOME. But I still kinda wish I knew who did.

Um yeah | Reviewer: Tara | 8/7/2007

soooooooo Missy Elliot? right... anyway so basically this is the awesomest song ever... not that awesomest is a word but its fitting none-the-less... moving on... the lyrics are right but I've never heard the classroom verse... did you make that up? cause its not in the actual recording from the bob and tom show... so whats up with that?

Wrong Artist | Reviewer: Ian Haynes | 5/10/2007

yo dude whoever wrote this. the artist is Heywood Banks. not MISSY ELLIOT

YEAH TOAST!!!! | Reviewer: Anonymous | 2/20/2007

I like toasted bagels. Gonna sing this in da morning when mom and I get our daily bagel. I'll tell y'all how it goes. :-p

soooo good! | Reviewer: ************** | 8/28/2006

This song is amazing. it is so fun to sing along to. my camp did a skit using this sone, it was so much fun. this is the best song in the world! well not the best but ou get it.

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