Bob Bennett

Birth of a Song

W/M: Steve Bell
Arrangement: Bob Bennett

God is everything to me
I myself can do nothing
Spare nothing, bare nothing
Old weathered womb in waiting

Author of the mysteries
Ecstasy of blazing suns
And swooning moons and these crooning
Winds and water, earth and fire

Yearning spirit, burning flesh
Consummating desire
Tossing off the soul's attire
Ever I in you and you in me

Mirroring the ancient crèche
Now absorbed in awed emotion
Disturbed and shocked devotion
Child of mine, child of eternity

Agony of love divine
Send me as a lark ascending
Befriending skies, attending
Ever to the vast and to the still

Infant Christ enfleshed in mine
You and I might say something
Sing something, kiss something
Ever as you would and as you will

God is everything to me