Living Colour


We hate each other 'cause of race and religion
We hate each other 'cause of class and position
We want to know why is love so hard to come by
Give me a reason why you love so hard to try

The walls between us all must fall
The walls between us all must fall

We hate each other 'cause we dance to different music
We hate each other 'cause we think we know it all
We hate each other 'cause that's what our parents taught us
We hate each other for no reason at all

The wall between us all must fall
The wall between us all must fall

We teach our young men how to kill and mame and torture
We teach our young men how to make their mothers cry
We want to know, why is love so hard to come by?
Give me the answer, why is love so hard to try?

The wall between us all must fall
The wall between us all must fall

This is how our world breaks down...
The wall between us all must fall...
This is how our world breaks down...
The wall between us all must fall.....

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